I Wonder Why Fish Grew Legs
"What were the ice ages?", "When did reptiles appear?", and "Where did birds come from?" are questions that children will be able to answer after reading this fascinating book about the beginning of life on Earth.
This 32-page book is crammed with interesting information, starting with the definition of prehistory and ending with tales about the first farmers. That's a lot of territory to cover but this book does it well.
The distinctive layout helps organize and separate the information by having a main text set in a serif typeface accented with supplementary bits of information set in san serif type.
Section headings ask questions that rouse the curiosity "When did plants get a foothold on land?" "Which insect was as big as a bird?"
Illustrations that reinforce the descriptions include both realistic representations and clever cartoons. Crisp analogies insure that children comprehend and remember unfamiliar facts.
For instance, the size of a newborn marsupial is compared to a jelly baby candy.
This picture book includes a table of contents and index to make it a useful reference book, as well as one to be read and enjoyed.
Despite the wealth of information that makes the book suitable for older children, four-year-olds interested in the world about them will also appreciate this recent addition to the "I Wonder Why" series of books. Adults interested in prehistoric life would also find this book an excellent place to start.
Time Life(ETL Learning)/ Grolier/ World Book Reference/ Knowledge/ Skill Building 5 Years+
Age Group : 5+ years
Product Code : DGG-B-2621
Author / Publisher : Grolier
Product Availability : Available